Hologram 1.3.0 Released
December 8, 2020

That earth-shattering kaboom you might have heard was the release of Hologram 1.3.0! This version brings 5 great new widgets, lots of small feature improvements, and a few bug fixes.
New Widgets
We have 5 great new widgets to announce:
* The 3 widgets with asterisks are available exclusively as downloads on our widgets page. To install them, just unzip the downloaded file and drag it onto the widgets page in Hologram.
- Added Temperature chart and more forecast options to Modern Dashboard Widget
- You can now see which wallpapers have already been added to your theme on the discover page
- Added a "Get More Widgets" button to the widgets page. You can now find more widgets on our website! Several new widgets have been added!
- You can now right-click on a wallpaper to show it in the finder, make it active, or delete it
- Pressing escape when renaming a theme now reverts the change instead of saving it
- You can now name themes from the themes page, right-click on the theme, and select rename
- Fixed missing freezing-rain and squall icons in the glass icon pack
- Fixed a bug where deleting the active theme would not remove the widgets from the desktop
- Fixed the UI colors when the accessibility setting "Increase Contrast" is enabled
For Widget Developers
- Added new hologram util API: formatTime
- Added new hologram timer API: everyHour
- Added new hidden attribute to widget settings
- Added ability to disable widget settings based on other settings
- Added coordinates API
- Added public IP API
- Enabled Vue JS warnings in the widget dev server
We hope you enjoy this new version!... and please tell your friends about Hologram!