Hologram 1.5.0 Released

Hologram 1.5 is here, and it's our most ambitious release yet!
This release comes with 19 new widgets! Wait, what? 19 new widgets?!!
We've been VERY busy!
We're especially proud of of this batch of widgets. Click on the links below for descriptions.
In addition to all the great new widgets, we've added new widget background effects—transluscency, blur, brightness, and saturation. We love this new feature and find ourselves using it just about every time we customize a widget. Check out our Showcase page to see lots of examples of this effect. Additionally, all clocks now have new second-hand controls (One is called "Ninja"—check it out!).
Free and Pro Versions
We are also very excited to announce that Hologram now comes in two versions: Hologram Free and Hologram Pro.
Hologram Pro comes with all available widgets (currently 52 and growing!), unlimited wallpaper downloads, over 25 beautiful pre-built themes, and the ability to store your wallpapers in your own folders.
Hologram Free is a feature-limited version. You get 10 widgets, are limited to 5 wallpapers per month, and no external wallpaper storage or pro themes.
New Widgets
- Blackout Dash
- Coordinates
- Fuel Gauge
- Fuzzy Matrix
- Gear Drive H
- Gear Drive X
- Gradient Cards
- International Greeting
- Mesh Clock
- Phase Rocket
- Radar
- Straight 14 Calendar
- Sākaru Clock
- Time Nerd
- Time Reactor
- Ultra Dash
- Vintage Airline Tag
- Vintage Gauges
- Word Of The Day
Change Log
- Hologram now has a free and pro version!
- 19 New Widgets!
- This update also focused on upgrading Hologram's performance.
- Many performance improvements.
- Widget presets! Widgets can now have presets, allowing complete look changes with one click.
- New refined widget settings design. Settings are more compact and better organized.
- Added the ability to choose to search only wallpapers or all images on the discover page
- Added ability to sort widgets alphabetically or by newly added
- You can now right-click on widgets while editing to delete, edit, or duplicate them.
- Added some new fonts! Some widgets now have font-weight controls.
- Theme templates. 26 beautiful pre-built themes to get you started!
- Renamed the battery widget to modern battery
- Fixed a bug where the color picker hex input would not work
- Many small improvements and bug fixes
For Developers
- Added ability for widgets to store an external link in their widget config file
- Widget settings don't need a label, the name is used instead and made pretty. set label to false if you don't want it shown
- Added ability for widgets to update their settings. this.checkForUpdates(['1.1.0'], doUpdates, { debugVersion: '1.0.0' })
- Replaced the color theme fieldtype with regular color picker fields
- Made the developer widget templates simpler and easier to understand
- Add isInternetConnected API
Lastly, check out Dakota's YouTube Channel. He has a bunch of great Hologram content.
We hope you love this new version!... and please tell your friends about Hologram!