New Downloadable Widgets
December 23, 2020

If you haven't been to our site lately you might not have noticed that over the past month we added six great new widgets. All are available for download from our website.
- Scatterbar. A horizontal dashboard.
- Blackout Clock. A stylish, modern clock with several display options.
- Antrepo Clock. A radio-inspired dot matrix clock.
- Orbitron 5000. A fun set of discs that show lunar and solar information.
- Satellite Tracker. A world map that shows the position of 25 satellites in real-time.
- NASA Photo of the day. Shows a photo from NASA everyday.
To install a widget: Download it from our website, then Unzip the downloaded file. Then drag the widget onto the Widgets page in the Hologram application. That's it!
We hope you enjoy the new widgets!